
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Word for the Soul by Ebenezer Adu-Gyamfi

1. - Transfer of Allegiance 
Genesis 3:1-13
Choosing to obey the serpent (the creature) instead of God (the Creator) meant that Adam and Eve found more satisfaction in the earthly than in the eternal. They thus switched not only their allegiance, but also their source of satisfaction. The bad news is that the created was never meant to satisfy humankind because without the Spirit of God, every person is incomplete. This thought explains why Adam and Eve saw themselves ‘naked’ the moment they sinned, and their eyes were opened. THE OPENING OF THEIR PHYSICAL EYES TO THEIR IMMEDIATE EARTHLY NEED SIGNALED THE CLOSURE OF THEIR SPIRITUAL EYES TO THEIR ETERNAL NEED. Oh, how great is this light of darkness (Matt 6:23)!  

This treasure, living soul in earthen vessel which was made alive by the breath of Eternal Life, can never be satiated by that which is earthly, transient and woefully ephemeral in comparison to the eternal. Any time your desires beckon you to disobey God's Word, remember that the decision goes beyond just an exercise of your will. Temptation is a test of the source of your fulfillment. Once you jump onto the broad way of sinful pleasures, you are bound to work out an unsolvable equation of gaining satisfaction from that which is incapable of satiating your primary need - God. If you switch allegiance, you switch your source of sustenance as well.#obeyGodforlife

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2.Peter and Judas
Godly Sorrow vs Worldly Sorrow

"Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the FAITH. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves that Christ is in you? - unless indeed you are disqualified". (2 Cor. 13: 5, emphasis mine)
"For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death". (2 Cor. 7:10)
Each of the two men, Judas and Peter, committed what we would consider as a great sin in the sight of God. One betrayed and the other denied the Son of God even though they had walked with him for three powerful years. Later on, both of them regretted their acts. One of them committed suicide; the other repented and was restored.
What accounted for the different ends of these notable men? As we celebrate Easter, let me share three possible reasons I can glean from scriptures and relate them to some questions for our reflection.
1 - The Disposition of their hearts (motives). The Bible reveals that Judas did not have the right heart when he was following Christ. He was greedy and he even pilfered sometimes from the disciples' coffers (Jn 12: 6). He followed Christ for what he could get and not for who He was.
The other, Peter, demonstrated, on many occasions, his belief in the deity of Christ and his love for His person and teachings. (Mt. 16: 16, Jn 6: 68 - 69)
2 - At the moment of their conviction, one of them felt he had done an unpardonable sin by betraying innocent blood. (Mt. 27:3-5). He thus hanged himself because he could not even forgive himself, let alone receive forgiveness from the Author of hearts. He allowed worldly sorrow to lead him to death.
The other regretted, wept and genuinely repented (Mt. 26:75).
He later on affirmed his love for Jesus when he got the opportunity (Jn. 21: 15 - 18). He allowed godly sorrow to produce repentance in him, leading to his restoration.
3 - One of them was specifically interceded for by Christ Jesus; the other was not. This is the reason I consider the most important. Jesus told Peter, "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you like wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail... " (Lk 22: 31 - 32)
I believe this is the strongest factor that caused Peter to experience godly sorrow and restoration.
Based on the analysis above, I'd like to ask some questions.
*How often do you pause in your life to truly examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith? Note this: you can be inside the CHURCH and outside the FAITH. Religious practices cannot save you. It is only a genuine relationship with God through Christ.
*Is Christ in your heart or just in your intellectual reflections?
*If you serve in any ministry, what is your greatest motivation for your service?
*How do you respond/react anytime you get convicted of sin? Do you beat yourself to an extent that you consider yourself unforgivable or you humbly and quickly confess, repent and receive God's mercy?
*Do you allow "deceptive familiarity" with God and pride to keep you from keeping short accounts with the Holy Spirit?
*Do you often experience godly sorrow or worldly sorrow?
*Knowing that Jesus is still seated at the right hand of God, interceding for you, how confident are you of finishing your faith race?
* Is your faith failing in the storms of life or is it solidly anchored on the Rock?
*Is intercession an integral part of your prayer life?
*Do you consider your specific prayers for people key to their ability to stand in the FAITH?
*How often do you pray specifically for people who are battling with flaws?
*Do you feel more comfortable talking about them than you are, praying for them?
I pray you find applicable, personal answers to these questions. I also pray the answers will largely inform your current walk with God as we remember Christ's finished work for humankind.

"It is true that while no sin is so small that God does not see it, it is also true that there is no sin so great that God's mercy cannot wash away."- Kirk Cameron

3.- Power Paradox

Mark 15 : 21 - 39
"Save thyself, and come down from the cross!... Let the Christ, the King of Israel, get down from the cross, that we may believe" (Mk. 15 : 30)
"For do I now persuade men or God? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ" (Gal. 1 : 10)
Apart from the physical torture and excruciating pain on the cross, one humiliating thing that Christ Jesus experienced was the "daring" pronouncement from mockers and hecklers. Many of the onlookers hinged their belief in him on his ability to get down from the cross. They wanted Him to show them power by getting down from the cross ; God wanted Him to show them POWER by staying on cross. The former exhibits the vision of the world about power. The latter is God's concept of the power of His true children. The paradox is that what seemed commonsensical to most of the onlookers was the exact opposite of what God wanted from His son.
Many times in your life as a Christian, the world, the devil and even your flesh will dare you to get down from the cross and save yourself. "Save thyself by taking that filthy lucre (money), save thyself by engaging in sexual immorality, save thyself by engaging in corruption, bribery, retaliation, unforgivingness, gossip, 'sakawa,...!" The world will exclaim such challenges to you from time to time. Let me encourage you today. The very thing we're being tempted to do to free ourselves and prove we are kings is the very thing that will enslave us.
Paul said "I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me..." (Gal. 2 : 20). As a Christian, you need to assimilate the truth that life from the cross is the only life in Christ. There is no other way. That is the narrow way. Don't let the world, Satan, self or even religion deceive you. If you choose to stay on the cross, God will use your life to eventually convince your world that you are truly a son of God like he did the Centurion after the death of Jesus. (Mk. 15 : 39)
The next time you hear that irritating voice to get down from the cross, say to that voice "get thee behind me Satan! (Mt. 16 : 23) Clue : that voice is never mindful of the things/will of God but the things of men.
Christ's Crucifixion is not just an accomplished task in the past, it is also the chartered path to manifest Sanctification and divine Power in the present.

4.- Let them Experience You  
Gen. 31:27-28 - "Then Laban said to him (Jacob), 'please stay, if I have found favor in your eyes, for I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for your sake. Then he said, name me your wages, and I will give it''
In the world of work, especially in our part, many people earnestly seek promotion and better condition of service. The majority of employees in our day feel cheated and underpaid by their employers. Unfortunately, most workers hardly think of the impact of their presence on the growth of their companies.
Today, I'd like to encourage you with our focal text. After working with his uncle Laban for over twenty years, Jacob wanted to part company with him. Notice the response of his boss:"...I have learned by EXPERIENCE that the Lord has blessed me for your sake". Why do you think Jacob had this testimony?
I can glean at least 3 reasons from the story:
*Jacob worked with diligence
*He had favor of God so his presence at Laban's company attracted blessings for the company
*He was productive
Jesus grew in stature, in wisdom, in favor with God and men (Luke 2:52). He was thus diligent, productive and a great blessing to humanity. As followers of Christ, we spend time on Bible study, prayer and fellowship at least once a week that we may learn Christ. How is that impacting your world of work? Does your conduct let people take note that you have been with Jesus? (Cf. Acts 4 : 13)
If you were to tell your boss that you were quitting today, what do you think he'd say? "Good riddance" or "please stay". I pray your conduct at the office will earn you the latter. As you pursue excellence at the workplace and do all the to glory of God, may the favor of God on you not only cause divine increase to the company but also cause your boss to ask you very soon to "name your wages".
'Laban Enterprise' was blessed because of Jacob, 'Potiphar Co. Ltd.' was blessed because of Joseph and God wants to bless your company and your world because of you.
**In a country where certificates apparently speak more than competency/productivity, may you never give in to the temptation to work below your godly standard.**
For Reflections
*What kind of experience are you giving your boss, your workers, your church, family, community, class, etc?
*What can you do differently today to make them experience you better?

5. - Lessons from Gh Elections 2016(Part 1)

Amidst the emotional roller coaster, the disappointments and the excitement that characterized the elections, I believe God was giving some strong messages to every Ghanaian. God doesn't only speak to us through the Word but also through every circumstance in life (cf. 1st Cor. 10). Yet, many people are quick to enjoy or deplore the moment without really reflecting on the message embedded in it. On this note, I'd like to share with you one of the three lessons I learned from the elections.
1 - Balanced Christian living: 'The Battle is the Lord’s'. "Well, if it is, why don't you just sit home and let the Lord send angels to all the constituencies to ensure a resounding victory?", someone might ask. As spiritual as the mantra sounds, the plan of the then opposition party reveals how a genuine Christian ought to conduct himself after committing his ways to the Lord.
We witnessed an election which saw an unprecedented, highest form of vigilance and haaaard work (emphasis mine), by a political party who believed that "the battle was the Lord’s". From policing and protecting the ballot to electronically tabulating every polling station result, one cannot but admire the diligence that the party machinery evinced. And when finally the victory came, it was apparent that the unseen hand of God moved to prop the human hand at work. And yes, how the President-elect was grateful to the God of impossibilities! Mark this, this Hand doesn’t move to encourage laziness and nominal religiosity that we see in many churches of today. GOD GIVES us the power so that we can WE CAN create the wealth (Deut. 8 : 18). He doesn't supply the WEALTH as we devote all our productive time CLAIMING the POWER.
The true believer must put his hands to the plow and WORK after praying. It's fascinating how many professing Christians neglect hard work and commit almost all their time and money to prayer meetings, hoping God will drop manna from Heaven. And when their conditions do not improve, they blame poor old Devil and witches.
The principle of humanity cooperating with divinity to promote the pervasive will of God in the earth realm should NEVER be misconstrued or underestimated by anyone who wishes to make a significant impact on his world. We give God the glory not only after the Victory, but also by being diligent as we implore Him for the Victory.
(To be continued...)

6. -Lessons from Gh Elections 2016 ( Part 2)
"Sacrificing the Word for Politics"

The second lesson I learned relates to how some "believers" blatantly ignored biblical counsel just to push a political agenda. Every one of us was doing pretty well until the election fever reached a crescendo. All of a sudden, verses like 'do unto others..., '... do it to the glory of God', 'love your enemies...' became impracticable and meaningless to many of us who claim to be led by the Spirit.
I believe the true test of maturity in God's Kingdom comes at a time like this, when the whole nation is awaiting the manifestation of citizens who are responsible, objective, peace-loving and patriotic enough to inform public opinion and take a strong stance against propaganda, intemperate language and divisive utterances. At a time when the whole country appeared to be polarised, such values, espoused by 70 percent of Ghana's population, could have come in handy indeed.
Unfortunately, what I often observed on radio, tv and social media was mainly ill-motivated communication just meant to malign/slander people, heighten suspicion and cause fear and panic. I suddenly felt sorry for anyone with a different political view who found himself in a "stronghold" of another political party. Most discussions on social media were no longer issue-based, but personal attacks. And at the time of jubilation, many people easily forgot to be measured and considerate. - we who are the "light of the world". I wonder how God was feeling about our leadership as people of GRACE and TRUTH. How can we preserve our society from decay if we fail to manifest the implanted word at such an important moment?
May I humbly challenge you this day that whenever adversity looms or an occasion beckons you to disregard the Word, - and yes there will be many times like that - remember you are a Christian first before you respond. The eyes of the Lord are still looking to strengthen those whose heart is more loyal to Him than a political party (cf. 2 Chron. 16 : 9). Lift up the divine standard and chart the way. For this reason, we are born again, not of flesh and blood...
(To be continued...)

7-Lessons from Gh Elections 2016 ( Part 3)
"Judgment is Inevitable"
"Do not be deceived, for God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life"
 (Gal. 6:7-8)
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death". (Prov. 14:12).
Today I end my series on the lessons I learned from the elections. The last lesson, which I consider the most important, deals with accountability.
I do not believe that the various MP's and even the President who lost power did everything they did, thinking it would lead to the loss of power. Myriads of projects were commissioned and some measures were put in place to enhance the living conditions of the electorate but the governing party still lost.
Could it be possible that what they earnestly believed would win the hearts of the electorate was the very thing that dug their political grave? Interesting, isn't it? When you feel your best effort is "recompensed" with ingratitude, where what you consider to be a memorable action is rather perceived as a woeful inaction by beneficiaries.
Would the government have done things differently had they been privy to the covert intent of the majority? Were there some decisions that should have been informed by national, rather than partisan interest? Could most of these leaders have prevented this fate if they had sacrificed a bit of "SELF" for community development? I am sure some of these questions are still lingering on the minds of the outgoing executives and 'honorables'.
And now, whereas ministers who served with integrity and a clear conscience are at peace, I can imagine the anguish of others who have lost their peace because they can't simply put their scattered pieces together to avert prosecution.
Figures may be doctored and documents may be destroyed to evade human judgment. Some unplanned appointments and contracts may be given to mitigate inevitable repercussions. What would we do if we lost power to Mr. DEATH or if the TRUMPET sounded?
This is why it is important for us to build our lives on the words of Christ, not on worldly wisdom (see Col. 2 : 8). God has so made man that every earthly decision he makes must be divinely sanctioned for it to attract valuable rewards here on earth and invaluable rewards in heaven. You may put up your best moral edifice in this life but if you refuse to take the person and the teachings of Christ seriously on a daily basis, your building will eventually fall. And great will be that fall! (see Matt. 7 : 24-27)
Sinking sands do have an uncanny ability to give man a 'sense' of security, but they cannot ensure him earthly, let alone eternal security. Only the ROCK can.

8. - Real Prayer

Real praying is a costly exercise but it pays far more than it costs. It is not easy work, but it is most profitable of all work. We can accomplish more by time and strength put into prayer than we can by putting the same amount of time and strength into anything else” - R. A. Torrey

As the year ends, we will begin to pray fervently for great things in 2018. My prayer is that the people of God will engage in REAL prayer:  
  •         I pray that we pray, conscious of the REALITY of God's Kingdom and the desires of the REAL King of all Creation - Jesus Christ.  
  •     I pray that we pray, conscious of the REALITY that the Gates of Hades cannot stand against the advancement of God's Kingdom and the Body of Christ.  
  •        I pray that we pray, conscious of the REALITY of grace and its power over every sin in our lives.  
  • I pray that we pray, conscious of the REALITY that God's Will and Word supersede every human agenda.   And most of all, 
  •  I pray that we don't pray SHADOW prayers that only see self-pleasure and materialism as the end of such Glorious Salvation.
May our eyes see that which Jesus sees whenever He intercedes. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 

Let us WATCH and PRAY - for REAL

9.- "YES" in the GARDEN"

"Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Mt. 26 : 39)
For many years, I thought the greatest battle Jesus ever fought in his earthly ministry was with the Devil after his 40-day fast. 
Upon careful reflection on the event at the Garden of Gethsemane, I am strongly convinced that the greatest hurdle the Lord ever had to surmount was not the devil or the cross but himself - his own will. In fact, so excruciating was the experience in the garden that Jesus implored the Father THREE TIMES to take away the inevitable cup. Interestingly, he didn't win that battle over the flesh on the field (on his way to the cross), he won it in a simple garden (a place of prayer, meditation and absolute surrender). 
Once Jesus was able to say "YES" to the will of God in the GARDEN, it didn't matter what happened to him after that. What mattered was that He was in the perfect will of God so God had absolute control and the final say. This submission to the divinity opened a door in his ministry which no one could shut. It was not only the narrow door to CRUCIFIXION but also the only way to ETERNAL GLORY. 
God is speaking to someone who is grappling with God's Will to forsake a particular besetting sin or weight that seeks to obstruct the race of faith. Is it unforgiveness, sexual immorality and wanton desire for worldly things? Are you, on the other hand, hesitating to accept divine assignment because of possible challenges? Get into your garden, commune with your Father and allow his WILL to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. You cannot compare what WILL go AGAINST you to what SHALL happen FOR and THROUGH you. 
There's no limit to what God can do through a vessel that is completely yielded to Him. The greater the pain of letting go, the greater the impact of the submission. 
Let me end my message with this statement by Bill Johnson: 
"Sometimes when you are willing to do what you are not qualified to do, that (willingness) is what qualifies you. The impossible is at the fingertips of those who say YES to anything that God commands because in the command is the ability to do what He says to do. The word of God is a creative force. He spoke the worlds into being so whenever He speaks to you, He creates capacity....No freshly spoken word of God will ever come to you without its own ability to perform."

My name is Ebenezer and I have said "YES" in my garden. 

10. - Dear Follower of Christ

  Dear Follower of Christ, 

-You died. You are dying. You will die. Unfortunately, you struggle to live because you ignore or refuse to accept this inevitable reality in my Kingdom. The only life you have, and will ever have, is Christ. 

-You are not wired to revel in sin. Unfortunately, you sometimes entertain the prowler and his cohorts in my temple because you neglect the power of the gospel of grace. 

-You are part of a Body. Your life is part of an eternal, communal life. Unfortunately, you attempt to build an individual empire because you often crave for fame and prominence before a King who delights in joining distinct human threads to weave a beautiful, neighborly tapestry. 

-In your bid to evince faith and boldness in Me each day, don't be surprised when Mr. Earthly Life asks you: 'Why are you not fearful?' To him, fear is the normal reaction to his events. 

-And when your faith is failing, don't be surprised when Mr. Eternal Life asks you : 'Why are you so fearful?'. To Him, fear is not a normal response to His presence and promises. 

-Signed, Your Father in Heaven 

11. - Humility of the Jar 

Gen. 41:16, 38, 2 Cor. 4:7, Col. 1 : 27b

"So Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, 'It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace". 
- Gen. 41:16

One of the qualities that make Joseph stand out as a servant of God is humility. When he comes out of prison to interpret Pharaoh's dreams, he has an opportunity to boast of his past achievements and his gift. Instead, he prefaces his interpretation with the statement that it is God who interprets dreams. In his recommendations, he asks Pharaoh to "select a discerning and wise man, and set him over the land of Egypt" (vs 33). These statements and attitude of Joseph teach us some lessons about humility in God's Kingdom. 

Humility is key to healthy relationship with God and with men. "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" (Prov. 3: 34). Without humility one cannot resist the devil because pride is satanic. 

The story of the colt in the 'Triumphal Entry' (Mt. 21:1-11) teaches us about how it feels to be used by God. People spread palm branches for Jesus but it was the colt that walked on them. When you submit yourself to the Lord, you will certainly walk on 'branches' of accolades but be mindful of the truth that it is the Spirit in you who produces the fruit and the gifts. You are not the source, for every good and perfect gift comes from above (Js 1:17).

To walk in humility one thing we must note is that humility and pride each comes with distinct form of blindness, deafness and vision. On one hand, humility makes one blind to the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Humility makes one deaf to the applause and mockery of men. However, humility enables one to perceive sin as it truly is - SIN. It also illumines one's understanding of the frailty of the branch without the vine. Humility also enables one to distinguish between constructive criticisms and destructive ones. On the other hand, pride makes one blind to his/her flaws. Pride deafens one to the convictions of the Spirit. It however opens one's eyes to see the power of the ego without divine assistance. It also limits one's vision of life to the luscious trappings of temporal pleasures. 

I pray our posture demonstrate that our ministry is an expression of a treasure in us. Our audience may only see the jar on display but God expects us to testify to the truth that the excellence of the power is from Him. The greatest opportunity to let others know the power of the Gospel is when they see that power at work in us, that we are people 'in whom is the Spirit of God' (Gen. 41: 38). 

**Pride is a great vice because it is the seedbed of all vices. Humility is a great virtue because it serves as a base for all virtues**

12. - Who Am I

Who am I to... 
Dispel darkness and drive out evil 
Feed the hungry and clothe the naked
Shelter the homeless and comfort the hurting 
Free the oppressed and prune the obsessed

Who am I to... 
Heal the afflicted and mend the broken
Confess the truth albeit danger looms 
Share this news that seems a nuisance 
Manifest joy amidst the toil and the void 
Uphold love and justice akin to yours

I am one, I am flesh 
I am weak, I am in need 
I am alone, I feel unknown 
I am mortal, and yea I repine 
For I see no portal divine

But I hear your voice within saying, 
"I Am that I Am dwells in you. 
You are meek to say you are weak 
But you are light because I am the Light 
You are a voice because I am the Word 
You are a vessel but I am your Treasure
You have all you need to do all I seek 
So step out and let me be the 'I' who am indeed to your world in need"

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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Fearless III Shots - 29.07.18

God did it again. Fearless III was awesome and we give God the glory.
Date: July 29, 2018
Venue: Grace Baptist Church, Kumasi - Ghana